Naperville city planners expect Naperville’s population to grow to 155,000 by the year 2020. This population growth sparked the Naperville City Council to create the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (the “Plan”), which represents the desire to maintain mobility and safety throughout the City of Naperville.
The City of Naperville’s Comprehensive Transportation plan has 14 component parts. They include:
1. Master Thouroughfare Plan 2. Trip Reduction Plan 3. Transit Plan 4. Pedestrian Plan 5. Bicycle Plan 6. Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation/Calming Plan 7. Traffic Safety Plan 8. Traffic Enforcement Plan 9. Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan 10. Truck Route Plan 11. Air Quality and Noise Management Plan 12. Coordinated Roadway Improvement Plan 13. Arterial Landscape Plan 14. Parking Plan Continue reading